In addition to looking for and trading power, Ampèria also takes care of power management

Ampèria develops projects in accordance with each company's characteristics. Guided by highly qualified specialists, customers can know if the best option available to them, at any moment and in each situation, is the deregulated energy market, the regulated energy market or, possibly, a combination of the two.

We are competent to offer advice in and follow-up on the customer's process of joining the CCEE, by performing:

  • Contract analyses, registration, and validation;
  • Contract modulation;
  • Monthly monitoring of Accounting and Settlements;
  • Monthly advisory services regarding the guarantees provided;
  • Monitoring of the Power Ballast;
  • Follow-up and support for all CCEE announcements and procedures.

We also provide regulatory advisory services on laws, resolutions, technical notes, and procedures adopted and required by the regulatory agencies.

And we can also offer consulting services, including financial, in the development of projects such as the structuring of mergers and acquisitions, for Brazilian and foreign companies. To do this, we have a broad network of contacts with strategic investors.